In an area rich in food history, a magical place with significance for the future is beginning to emerge.
In Ede, in the Food Valley region and close to Wageningen University & Research, the former Maurits Zuid barracks site is being transformed into the ultimate food meeting place of the Netherlands – the World Food Center. A place where businesses and organisations can set up, where visitors can learn all about our food in informal surroundings, and where people can live, work and feel at home.
Food is at the heart of the 28-hectare site, and the breathtaking nature of the Veluwe literally flows in to the area.
Always something to do
For a century, this beautiful location on the periphery of the Veluwe was closed to the public. Anno 2020 staan de hekken van het voormalige kazerneterrein permanent open en heeft het gebied een aantrekkingskracht op
inwoners, innovatieve foodbedrijven, voedselliefhebbers en wandelaars. There is always something to do or experience at the World Food Center site. Visit one of the many food festivals that the site hosts or step inside Akoesticum for a dose of culture. Become a part of the World Food Center!

Our story
We feed each other
Without food, our world would be simply unthinkable. Food is one of our principal needs. We grow with it, literally. It gives us the energy to do what we do. It provides us with endless inspiration and creativity. It connects people and cultures. And where people eat, businesses achieve economic growth.
Nevertheless, there is still a lot to be achieved in this area, as we are dealing with an ever-growing global population and increasing pressure on the planet. The challenge of providing everyone with sufficient healthy and sustainable food is greater than ever. How can we produce food in a more efficient way in the future? And how do we minimise the impact on the environment? How can we eat healthier and waste less?
Innovative reputation
The Netherlands has an excellent, innovative reputation in the field of agriculture and food. Wageningen University & Research is known as the best university in the world when it comes to food and a healthy living environment. Many innovative food solutions travel the world from our own Food Valley region. So how can the Netherlands and the region contribute to solving current and future food issues?
Meeting place for food
The answer lies in closer cooperation in exchanging knowledge about food. That’s what happens at the World Food Center, the ultimate meeting place, where consumers, businesses, knowledge institutions and governments come together to find answers. A place where businesses and organisations from across the food sector have become established. Where fledgling food businesses grow and where international delegations come to experience the innovative power of the Netherlands as a country of food. An international showcase for the innovative strength of the Dutch food sector. The World Food Center is putting the region and the Netherlands more firmly on the map as a knowledge and business centre when it comes to food and food production.
Last but not least, the World Food Center is a centrally located, attractive and lively place in the middle of the Foodvalley region where nature is always close by. An inspiring place where people can live, work and stay in relaxed surroundings. And where food and food production are the connecting factors.
In a nutshell, in the World Food Center, the Netherlands has gained a unique, inspiring meeting place that is open to all stakeholders in the world of food. An attractive and innovative environment that slots in perfectly with the food economy that is so characteristic of the Netherlands.
World Food Center. We feed each other.

Ourmission and vision
An ever-growing global population and increasing pressure on the planet are giving rise to to major food challenges. In addition, the decisions that we make about food every day have an impact on our bodies and our environment. In order to provide everyone with sufficient, healthy and sustainable food in the future, a shift is needed towards a new way of producing and consuming food.
The World Food Center brings consumers and organisations together and encourages them to take more responsibility and to jointly find answers to current and future food issues – we feed each other.
The World Food Center is the ultimate food meeting place for consumers, businesses, knowledge institutions and governments for inspiration, knowledge exchange and awareness. In a vibrant location, the WFC is both a food experience and a hotbed for innovation.
The initiators
In developing the World Food Center site, the Ede local authority,the site owner, worked with developer World Food Center Development BV. The latter is a partnership between BPD (Bouwfonds Property Development), Van Wijnen Groep N.V. and Green Real Estate B.V.